
“Punk is a great inspiration":
Ole Reitov interviews Pussy Riot in Oslo

Conversation with filmmaker, Emmy Award winner, Deeyah Khan
Hosted by UNESCO, Deeyah Khan speaks to Ole Reitov about her experiences in her early singing career, the importance of artistic expression for our young people, documentary film making and the challenges women from ethnic backgrounds are up against today.

The right to a fair trial
A fair and equal legal system is the cornerstone of a free and fair society - Ole Reitov shares his experience of working with artists who have been unjustly imprisoned.

Why is music censored?
At a Larm seminar I Oslo, Ole Reitov explains why is music censored and introducing the City of Harstad as the first safe music haven for persecuted artists, musicians and composers.

Good life in times of cholera and other turbulences (radius of art) A Berlin cultural conference.
Ole Reitov takes the role of speaker, moderator and…a missing participant.
Speakers: Suraiya Begum (Cultural Secretary, Bangladesh, Ministry of Cultural Affairs) Christine M. Merkel (Head, Division of Culture, German Commission for UNESCO)
5th Gathering in Istanbul:
International gathering of human rights and freedom of expression organisations. Ole Reitov talks about music censorship and why he got involved in the advocacy of artistic freedom.