Reports for download

The Fragile Triangle of Artistic Freedom
A Study of the Documentation and Monitoring of Artistic Freedom in the Global Landscape
By Ole Reitov and Sara Whyatt
This study addresses the lack of knowledge, data and awareness of the challenges of artistic freedom worldwide and explores the current status of artistic freedom monitoring and documentation systems. By interviewing key actors in the land-scape of artistic freedom and analysing available reports, this study portrays how donors, international organisations and civil society organisations (CSOs) understand the current challenges they face. The study explores the dependency of CSOs on funding and how donors, policymakers and UN bodies are, in turn, dependent on and benefit from information provided by CSOs as well as the fragility of this interdependency.

Cultural Rights Manual
by Ole Reitov and Helle Porsdam
Many cultural professionals, decision-makers, authorities, activists, and citizens in the world lack basic knowledge of cultural rights. But cultural rights are part of our universal human rights, and their definition is broad: they include the right to education, the right to participate in cultural life, the right to benefit from scientific progress and its applications, and the rights of authors.
I wrote the main part of this manual for the New Democracy Fund in cooperation with the Danish Cultural Institute to intensify the focus on what cultural rights are and how they can be used.
ARTS. Protecting and Promoting Artistic Freedom
by Sara Whyatt and Ole Reitov
Conflicts over artistic expression frequently stem from tensions within societies, which are based on opposing political, social or religious views and traditions. Some of these conflicts spread beyond the local context. In a globalized world, with the worldwide use of social media and the spread of trolling and ‘fake news’, such controversies are easily broadcast from one corner of the world to another.
Using examples from all over the world, the study describes the complexity of challenges to artistic freedom
UNESCO GLOBAL REPORT: Re|shaping cultural policies: a decade promoting the diversity of cultural expressions for development
Chapter on artistic freedom by Ole Reitov
This Report presents the work of fourteen independent experts, as well as the Secretary of the Convention and the Principal Editor, who have analysed the implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions